(U) Illegaly-armed groups took to the streets, setting up intimidating if hapharzard roadblocks, and conducting faux foot patrols in order to demonstrate loyalty to the regime. Analyst comment: The regime sees political advantage in unrest and will do little to stem it. https://twitter.com/ZaknafeinDC/status/1308914590663741440
Forecast: The for-now moderate risk of political violence continues to rise as Fedonia slides into civil unrest. With national elections a little over a month away, we can expect to see more sectarian demonstrations with the potential to spill over into bloodshed.
(U) Evidence continues to mount that local regime affiliates are coordinating with armed proxies. Regime political officers likely see such groups as foils useful for agitating their opponents, but likely underestimate the inherent risk in supporting them https://twitter.com/BobTheComrade/status/1308867451141206024?s=20
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