It has come to my attention that there are already people responding to the grief over injustice delivered to Breonna Taylor and her family with abortion and “Black on Black crime” statistics. Do not be deceived. Those are the well worn arguments of “benevolently slave owners”.
Those are the arguments of people who claimed to love the negro race and have their best interest at heart while they commoditized their bodies.

Those are the arguments of people who saw Black people as statistics for electoral and congressional representation, and not people.
Those are the arguments of people who know what to say to seem humane and rational, but are lacking in both traits.

If that is not your ministry, do not feel obligated to engage with them. They will be dealt with in the proper time.
Rest assured that, no matter how many Bible verses and selectively curated statistics they site, they do not get to define your character, your value, or your standing before God.

We can recognize them as fools and move on without sacrificing our dignity.
*cite. Dang it
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