This could explain why Billy Barr has intimated he'd shut Durham down if Trump won. Bc it could backfire enormously.
For example, the Clinton Foundation investigation was PREDICTED OFF OPPO RESEARCH. That's the accusation made abt the Russian investigation, but it's not true.
In other words, the Carter Page IG Report not only proves that the Clinton Foundation investigation ALSO used informants, but that IN THAT CASE, the agents running them were demonstrably biased against the candidate.
One thing that Durham could do, based off what Horowitz found, is pull the text messages of the Clinton Foundation Agents, the way Horowitz did of Page and Strzok.

Wouldn't work out that well.

It also might FINALLY reveal who leaked during the election.
And that could explain why Nora Dannehy resigned rather than release an interim report.

There's good reason to believe that comparing Clinton Foundation to CH would actually make CH look better, in some ways.
Strzok always says that if he really wanted to sabotage Trump, he could have leaked the investigation before the election (for example, when his bid to investigate more aggressively was shot down). He did not.

The Clinton Foundation Agents did.
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