i’m not saying you need to be proud of America rite now. what i’m saying is our experiences shape our views. i’m sad someone hates the flag rite now, but i get it. on the contrast, if someone feels the flag is important to them for whatever reason, i’m ok with that too. https://twitter.com/mylifeiskara/status/1308829834060206080
idk, sometimes it’s hard, but i’ve started to listen to opinions i don’t necessarily agree with and understand why they mite differ from my own. i’m an inquisitive and empathetic person who likes to be challenged. i’m always ready to have a conversation and learn.
my point is, i’ve stopped getting angry when someone doesn’t agree with me. it’s exhausting coming on here and seeing people act so hateful bc they have different opinions. i’m glad we do, it would be weird if we didn’t. you can disagree with this and guess what, i’m ok with that
be ok with someone not agreeing with you. don’t be ok with not having a conversation about it. challenge your own views, look outside your four walls. get uncomfortable. i honestly think we will never move forward if we can’t be OK with our differences
we need change no doubt. but that starts with us and grows with us.
that’s ab it you’ll hear from me on this subject matter. i’m going to continue my growth now, thanks for reading if you made it this far.
ps- adding this in, in case anyone comes at me. views we all must MUST agree/align on— racism and any form of discrimination are abhorrent. if you feel you can’t agree with that, you’re prob a sociopath and this thread isn’t for you :)
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