Imagine thinking that I “blame” God for my queerness. I am deeply and utterly grateful to God for my capacity to adore and satisfy and honour and cherish people’s daughters in particular.

Like, have you *met* women??
God said “I want Timehin to be able to *know* women.” Even in the Biblical sense. “Don’t blame God“ ke? I thank God. I’m a lucky ass MF, tf?!

The way desiring women has brought me back to God? Opened me up to the endless possibilities of love? Brought me home to my holy soul?
There is nothing holier than love that you need to go all the way to the root for. Heterosexual people’s relationships are so often limited by scriptedness. Straights partner for life all the time without ever coming close to even liking each other. Tf is that! 😂😂
How can you be free when a script does all the work for you? Cishets do copy & paste and call it love. Astaghfirullah.

Them niggas don’t even be having friends like that. The men bond over competitive sports and the women fight over competing for ultimately useless attention.
Meanwhile, when queer people do mistake and get free, then enter inside this love P? Olúwa o.

I mean, look at the material!!
My lovebears and I laugh *all the time* at the fact that straight people think we’re suffering. Cishets really be feeling bad for us. Meanwhile, whole time, we’re touching and living intimate realities that you literally do not have the capacity to comprehend. As in, e no dey.
And I’m not even talking about the sex. That one is a conversation for another day 😂😂😂
Blame God ke? I am a loved + holy child of a loving + infinite God. And I know it precisely because this God blessed me with queerness. Alhamdulillah for everything, everyday. Alhamdulillah for the queerness of my heart. Because the love? It is astonishing. Incomparable. Holy.
My biggest blessings in life are my daughter and my queerness. No fucking cap.
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