Two cops were shot in Louisville last night.

If you think people who shot them should be charged with a crime, imagine knowing they wouldn’t be. Imagine knowing that the justice system would find that the shooting was justified, because it always found such shootings justified.
Try to put yourself in this position. Imagine that dozens of times a year, literally dozens, from cities all over the country, there were camera videos of people killing cops in every possible way, and every time the murderer was apprehended, you knew they wouldn't face penalty.
Imagine if every single time a cop was murdered on video, Fox News spent hours of time trying to justify it, parsing the video for the cop's possible infractions against norms or procedure or expectation.

Imagine this happened literally dozens of times a year in the U.S.
Imagine if there existed an ecosystem of online platforms dedicated to breathlessly reporting any new tidbit of conjecture that might suggest that the the cop, who had been murdered on video, had really been asking for it.

Imagine Tomi Lahren repeated it all as fact, every time.
And imagine knowing—knowing for a fact, because every time a cop was killed, even with video evidence, even with the perpetrator clearly identified, no cop killing ever resulted in convictions—that the killer would walk.

Because the system thought cop killings were justified.
Guess what? That STILL wouldn't be as horrible as the situation Black folks find themselves in.

Because the country wasn't founded on the destruction of cop bodies.

And because if you went to the streets to protest this clear injustice, at least the cops wouldn't beat you up.
#BlackLivesMatter everybody.
Imagine, and stay with me here, imagine that my point wasn't that my hypothetical was likely, but that it would be equally unacceptable to you. Imagine I was quixotically trying to ease you into something like empathy.
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