This is indeed an almost impenetrable word salad from the High Priestess of Gender.

But she's actually saying something quite simple.
She is only saying that Marxism or any other of the socialist analytical forms is all a bit old hat, what with all its insistences that the ownership of assets and resources is what determines who gets to hold and exercise power under capitalism, and who doesn't.
No, we've moved on, she says. Better ideas have replaced these, ideas with new insights.

Who gets to hold and exercise power - and who doesn't- is down to some sort of socially reinforced patterned circumstance, a matter of mere chance that we only consolidate by its repetition.
This is saying, 'anyone can grow up to be President'.

It is claiming that there is no difference between the power of the employer and the employee.

It's saying *you* can change the world by yourself, by refusing to reinforce patterns which are not set and by not doing so ...
... you are responsible for the material conditions in which you find yourself, into which you are born.

It denies material structure

It finds triumph in the individual.

It is an exhortation: Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, for you are the masters of your own fates
It is right wing clap trap of which Margaret Thatcher would be proud. And it carries the same DNA as all her writings on gender.

Quite how some left wing radicals came to believe this bs was progressive is another story.

But they're wrong.

Utterly wrong.
I dont think @bindelj is just taking the piss out of a dense and elitist writing style here.

I think she's showing Butler up for the Thatcherite she really is.
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