Yes, this is exactly right and what democracy with a small d because democratic governance is part of a republic (please don't argue this because if you don't understand I don't have the time to argue about how were not a democracy).
If you want small d democratic governance (I do) then you can't always have a my way or highway attitude. Yes when you win elections you must use that power or your base will abandon you that's how you get wave elections. Neither side has enough voters to consistently dominate...
Elections as the system is currently constructed. But sometimes when you have power you have to compromise either for the greater good, to get something done in the moment, or to set up the foundation for a move in the future. A lot of times you have to compromise with...
The other side. This isn't one of those times though. This is making sure the GOP side all like the SCOTUS nominee so that they can be confirmed prior to the election. Yes conservatives, especially social conservatives, may have to compromise in this moment, but...
It's better to get someone appointed now than waste this chance. And if this nomination fight helps the GOP keep the WH and Senate then conservatives and social conservatives have every right to raise a stink the next time around and demand that their justice get nominated.
So please everyone grow up you said you wanted ruthless programmatic power in Trump you said you were tired of squishy sellouts like McCain and Romney. Then you need to stop being so ideological and understand someone who is 90% with you like Lagoa or Rushing is your ally not...
Your enemy. I get you all like ACB but some of her decisions for @CottoGottfried and I raise some really big concerns that we had not known about before. I liked her prior to this info but when I saw I changed my mind because that new data was credible and...
Significant. We always accuse the left of being dogmatica and ignorant but that's exactly what I see with the ACB arguments right now. I get it you have wanted her as a justice since Kavanaugh but now is not the time and Lagoa and Rushing are perfectly conservative.
ALSO is you want to win elections you have to have a BIG TENT Lagoa is a big ten pick. This isn't some George HW Bush Souter sellout. This is a Trump pick from the Federalist society. Souter is one of the reasons we got the Federalist Society so involved in conservative...
Judicial nominations. If you want to win you have to be both smart and ruthless. Picking ACB is the latter but not the former. A Lagoa or Rushing pick IMO is both. @CottoGottfried and I aren't trying to sell you down the establishment river...
We actually think that ACB may be that sneak attack from the rear by the establishment. Get you with the social issues but screw you on helping the little guy. I am sorry this thread has a little anger but the circular firing squads on the right MUST STOP!
If you support ACB make reasoned arguments don't just use ad hominem attacks to shut the debate down. We are better than that and smarter than because we are not the dogmatic left. WE ARE THE PRAGMATIC RIGHT!
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