my problem with bella poarch, a thread:

contrary to what many people think she is not white, she is in fact a (part ?) filipino. as an asian influencer who has white passing privileges, it is very appalling that when she got called out for her tattoo she just went "uwu im sorry"
and when the hashtag "cancelkorea" was trending among filipinos, she did not make an effort to even stop people from doing so and educate on the harms of the flag tattoo. these are signs that bella has internalized racism and assimilated herself into whiteness.
as an asian, she of all people, should know asian history and why the flag is painful to many people. her videos became a "beauty standard" to filipinos yet not once did she embrace her heritage? she basically stripped herself off of her culture because it is convenient.
even more so, she did not take the time to educate other filipinos who were clouded by "pinoy pride" about why koreans are rightfully upset about her tattoo??? she could have made an entire tiktok discussing that and even tell why we filipinos should be upset at the flag
in summation, bella poarch has assimilated into western society by internalizing racism and micro-aggressions towards asians for convenience's sake
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