I don’t do backsies.
Somebody asked me the other day if I believe that when you re-unite with somebody you once fell out with, you should speak through what previously led to the break down in communication, or whether you should just pick things up where they last left off.
And actually it got me to thinking.. I actually do not believe in the theory of reconciliation, except in extreme cases (usually when the souls growth was dependent upon separation for evolution & both parties complete their recurring cycles thoroughly — very rare).
I just feel like time & experience has taught me that falling out with somebody more than once, is typically an indication that you & this individual are not of like minded destiny’s or spirits & likely the discord & dysfunctional
communication/behavioural patterns that once ensued, are sure to repeat themselves, continuously, perpetually, for as long as you allow your shared delusion to stew.

How many times has it worked when you ‘reconciled’?
So to answer her question, neither lol. Because once people leave my life, I don’t plan on allowing them back in. And never out of no malice either, (well maybe sometimes).
I don’t do backsies.
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