I was the medical examiner in our bereavement office yesterday and scrutinized 7 sets of notes for patients who had died and the intensity of input and quality of documentation from the teams - particularly some of our ward nurses, junior doctors & ACPs - was really impressive.
I spoke to bereaved families and there was a good correlation between the quality of the notes and their feelings about care and communication. And I got to speak to several junior doctors and give them positive feedback which is always 👍🏻
I also made two referrals to our coroner, having done some initial data gathering, & phoned families to explain the reasons for referral. I didn’t need to raise any concerns to our Patient Safety team yesterday, but I was able to flag a couple of issues directly to ward managers.
I cannot imagine life without our Medical Examiner service now - so much better for families AND staff. Huge thanks to @LindsayBarks80 and her amazing team for setting it up and keeping us all going.
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