9/26/2020 is a date with 55 numerology
Earthquake= 55
It's the day leaving 96 days left in the year
San Andreas= 96
San Andreas fault= 96
California Earthquake= 96
It's 6 months & 9 days after 5.7 Salt Lake City earthquake that caused the Angel Moroni trumpet to fall
From 9/26 to the incorparation date of LA on 4/4 (earthquake= 44) is 6 months and 9 days
From the incorporation of San Francisco on 4/15 to 9/26 is 163 days later (not including the days)
Or 202 days before the anniversary of the city's incorporation
San Francisco= 202
Earthquake= 163
The date is written 26/9, 269 is the 57th prime number
This is 33 days after Kobe Bryant day on 8/24
San Andreas= 33
Earthquake= 163
163 is the 38th prime number
9/26 is 38 days before the election
9/26 is also 163 days (including the end date) after the anniversary of the Great San Francisco earthquake on 4/18
If the earthquake occurs late in the afternoon much of the affects could bleed into 9/27 which is the 271st day of the year. Remember on 9/11 buildings 1, 2, and 7 fell. I found it interesting this date is 47 days after 8/11 (patent day of HAARP)
It also has a numerical relationship w/ June 11th, as this day is 107 days b4 9/26 (Earthquake= 107) and June 11th is the 163rd day of the year (Earthquake= 163)

June 11th was the day that the stock market fell 1861 points, NASCAR banned confederate flag.. which is interesting.
I'll also add that Woodland Hills hit 121 degrees- highest recorded temperature in LA County history. One hundred twenty one= 96, September 26th earthquake= 121 (remember leaves 96 days left in year
Revelation= 121
In Revelation 16:18 there is lightning and thunder then a 'severe earthquake' The largest lightning storm occurred starting on 8/15 in San Francisco. 'Severe earthquake= 181, the 42nd prime number. From the Jesuit founding date 8/15 to 9/26 is 42 days later.
ALSO 96 days before Lebron James' birthday on 12/30
@6ixlinks & @GematriaClub please read this thread. thnk you
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