This is easily one of most important things I will ever write.

I BEG YOU, for the love of all you hold dear: please read & take seriously.

Tonight I attended a Black Lives Matter march & malicious responses by some of public (fascists) endangered lives including my own.


fascists & white supremacists & smell blood in water & opportunity to seize & keep power.

Trump & Republicans embolden folk to commit violence & police often work with extremists (or belong to group) or let them crime against protestors.

They are not all men but most.

3 times, w/malicious intent, someone drove vehicle toward individuals or crowd & one made contact.

Standing in front of car w/a potentially murderous asshole driving is a helluva experience.

Last march: zero.

Only 1 driving at high speed directly at crowd did APD stop.

People, & at least one tonight was clearly intent on mass murder by driving their vehicle at high speed into crowd, who will do this won’t shy from violence to subvert the US election or to challenge its results.

And Republicans, by all recent history, won’t do shit.

Please. I beg of you.

This is not my desired reality either.

You have to understand: these people reject the entire framework of liberal governance & they have demonstrated they are not amenable to reason, facts, or compromise.

This is going to require a range of tactics & solidarity if we are to have a chance of surviving & building something better.

We all have to decide what we’re willing to do if shit hits fan.

The alternative is probably fascism & I will not live under a fascist system.

Hit streets. Donate. Strike. Deny the State labor. Smash the machine. Use privilege to dismantle racism & protect marginalized people. Write congress. Do all you can.

We all have to count on each other.

This is one of most important moments in our lives.

FWIW, I invite you to take a look at my past tweets to evaluate the accuracy of my past predictions.

It’s not even difficult with these people.

They tell us exactly who they are & what they want.
One of my favorite things last night:

A fellow protestor saying “we don’t have to body shame people to call them fascists” & response being “sorry, you’re right, I love you!”

as they were keeping a person from leaving McDonald’s driveway & driving toward crowd of people.

Suited up & time to protest.

We all have to do what we can.

This is important.
Pay attention to this.

We have to do more than vote. Strike. Smash the State apparatus & deny it your labor. Do not comply. Donate. Support how you can.

You can follow @NuclearAnthro.
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