I'm so 🍃✨ that im pretty sure I just cured my social anxiety bc i thought about it long enough and really put it into perspective HOW stupid it is to worry about these things.
That thing you did as a kid wasn't embarrassing whatever adult witnessed at worst thought they aren't getting paid enough to deal with kids in general, and most likely thought 'kids are silly' while any kid who witnessed it almost definitely doesn't remember.
That thing you did as a teenager wasn't embarrassing, whatever adult witnessed it probably thought about how being a teen is hard and therefore makes you annoying as shit while any teens who witnessed it probably don't remember and if they do, at /worst/ tell stories about you
btw, people talking about you isn't that awful. People aren't just collecting stories about every stranger they hear about incase they meet them. Its improbable that its going to impact your life! Who you are now matters more, so stop worrying about how people might remember you
That boring story you told? Nobody cares. The reason why nuerotypical people are so 'boring' is that nobody actually cares if youre boring or embarrassing sometimes. Nobody thinks about it that hard.

Stop over performing when other people don't feel the need to.
Worry about how you impact others, sure, but 90% of the time you've thought you were being a nuisance that person has probably bumped into someone way more annoying and way less empathetic than you.

Learn from your mistakes but move on from them too
Btw this entire rant is mostly as a reminder to myself but also if you have social anxiety try to remember best case/worst case thinking! Usually the worst case is lower impact than you think, and the probably answer is somewhere in between the best and worst case scenarios!!!
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