Someone called me today to tell me that my ssn was canceled and that I needed to speak to them to get it back activated.

So I humored the call. Of course the person comes in and asks for my personal information. I gave all incorrect info on purpose...
The lady then tells me she pulled up my file. And that my ssn was canceled because someone used my info to rent a car. The car was left on the side of the road, had blood stains and also "23 pounds of cocaine" in the trunk.

Now...we all know you dont measure cocaine like that..
Plus 23 pounds is 10 and a half ki's.

So I decide to tell her that this was my truck.

She then goes completely off the rails of "professionalism" and states that I need to be worried that the government is after me because of the coke found...
Then asked why I dont take better care of my coke for it to get found in this manner.

This is a "government employee" asking why I dont take better care of almost 11 bricks. Aight.

So I hit her with the gotcha and let her know that all the info I provided her was fake...
She then says "no its not" so I ask her to repeat to me what name she has on file. She says the name wrong. Then says "Oh I know you were faking because your name is ____" wrong again.

So she gets offended and tells me that I better run because the feds are on my tail...
and I said, how would they find me if you dont even have the right information on me. She says "Whatever, I'm done with this call" and hangs up.

Bruh yall scammers are ASS ass at your job. Seriously.
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