I hope this can bring some smiles ... Here are FOO'S FUN (and sometimes not so fun) KAPPA FACTS ...
The 'standard' depiction of kappa today is the little turtle men. But this is not the ONLY way they looked in the past. Many towns and cities had kappa that resembled monkeys more than turtles. There were maybe a few other kinds, but turtles and monkeys were the main 2...
However, as writers and artists in Japan began to document yokai and yurei through texts and art the turtle inspired kappa became slowly the more commonly referenced version. Then when technology advanced, making movies and cartoons a thing, the turtle kappa became THE kappa.
SHIRIKODAMA anyone who have some kappa knowledge likely learn of the Shirikodama early on. It's this mysterious "thing" inside our bodies, like a soul or an organ we don't know about, that apparently kappa LOVE to eat. Yes? They reach in our butts for em, as the story goes. WELL
There is a theory that the Shirikodama story came to be when in ancient Japan people would find the dead in rivers... and the corpses had prolapsed anuses. (I told you sometimes the facts are less fun) THEORY is, they didn't know this naturally occurs to corpses in water...
So in order to understand why these unfortunate dead, drowned victims had their buttholes leaving their bodies was because the kappa had clearly been digging around up there. But for what? The Shirikodama a thing we can't see. That's a theory, however. But it makes sense.
Kappa don't ONLY root around in our buttholes for a delicious snack. They also have been known to hide in outhouses and grab butts when an unsuspecting person tries to go to the bathroom! They are rascals like that. That's just a short fun fact! Cuz the other 2 were kinda long.
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