What to make of North Korea's at-sea shooting of a South Korean citizen – and subsequent burning of the body?

Some SK politicians are expressing disbelief that NK soldiers would shoot-to-kill.

But there are rules since early September to do just that.
There have been multiple reports recently about COVID-19 security zones imposed on the DPRK-PRC border.

These include: "a warning that any animal or person entering the zone without authorization or approaching blockades on roads or railways will be shot on sight" (Daily NK)
Why are the NKoreans suddenly imposing such strict border rules?

To keep the country virus-free ahead of a largescale October 10 military parade.

In many ways, this parade is a huge potential viral risk.

And it seems paranoia about that risk is at play w/ shoot-to-kill rules.
Will Pyongyang show regret for the shooting? It's possible, given the inter-Korean nature of it.

But after a similar incident on the DPRK-PRC border in Sep, soldiers who shot a NKorean on border were "rewarded with a 'special vacation'" for the killing. https://www.dailynk.com/english/north-korean-smuggler-shot-dead-while-crossing-border/
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