1. So many things in the last 6 months have been plays to get Trump to “violate” states rights and/or send in troops so he could be called a Tyrant. They would say all their claims about him being fascist were true and try to impeach him again.
2. Mayors + Govs issuing unconstitutional lock d0wn orders + mask mandates

Mayors + Govs ordering police to stand down, allowing lawlessness

MIC funded harassment + violence on streets. burning, looting, knocking conservatives out. shooting trump supporters.
2b. and again tonight with the non indictment of any Officers related to B.Taylor shooting + coordinated protests/ shipping ppl and equipment in. it’s to gaslight him into sending in troops against states wishes.

“upon request” 👇🏼 👍🏼 Teflon Don. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1308960421211254785
3. He hasn’t fallen for it. The country has suffered for it, but in the end we will be better off and we will have learned the importance of who we elect in our local govts. And that with freedom comes responsibility.
4. If he was 1/100th of the authoritarian they claim he is he would’ve sent Marines to Seattle + Portland + Kenosha. He would’ve not allowed and overruled any Businesses shutdown, interstate travel restrictions, and masks mandates.
5. Instead , he lived up to the American principle of states rights. In doing so, we have had to bear witness to the harsh reality that so many of our elected local leaders are insane leftist tyrants or soulless animals who would sell their people out to the highest bidder.
End. 🙏🇺🇸💚 The Best is Yet To Come !!
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