I can't believe I have to make this post. But I will not let this slide. Sage, ( @kranerys), who I made a thread about a month or so ago, made an extremely offensive post that is obviously targeted towards someone we all know and love very much.
If you follow cat twitter, you know who their tweet is about. I don't have to explain how disgusting this is. If my thread last time was not enough proof for you, here it is. Please unfollow this person. This is not the type of energy we need on cat twitter.
I am fuming and you should be too. Please feel free to go report the tweet for harassment too.
Here's another fun one while we're at it! The tweet following this one compared depression and anxiety to a Pokemon starter pack. Bc those are just basic mental illnesses and they're not really bad until you have a chronic illness too, right?
I need to go to bed bc I have to work tomorrow but I will respond to anyone in the morning. Please be kind and although they said something so horribly awful, please try to use Sage's correct pronouns of they/them not she/her ❤️
It fucking hurts to post shit like this. I don't WANT to call someone out. I don't WANT to encourage people to block or unfollow someone who was once a good friend to many of us. But I will not stand aside and allow this pattern of behavior to continue.
You can follow @brook_the_mommy.
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