so sad how girls bring down other girls, specifically moms. how can you be so proud to be with a deadbeat father? to BRAG about it and say it’s a moms fault that the dad is a piece of shit. when i had hollie i expected her dad to be the best dad bc that’s what he told me he was
going to be. he never had a father so he always told me he would do better and he didn’t. how can you blame me for that? how can you talk shit because i am ANGRY that my child’s father does not care about her. how can you be proud of that?
i will NEVER stop talking about it. regardless i did “boss up” and i’ve raised my daughter alone for 2 years and o have every right to be angry about it. so fuck you cause OUR baby daddy will be in jail when your child’s born. yet he’s the best dad ever. that’s crazy. 🤣
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