If you care about preserving female-only sports for women and girls, religious conservatives are the only people outside of radical feminism who are organizing to support this cause. And there aren’t enough radical feminists to do it on our own. So it’s this, or lose them. https://twitter.com/frcdc/status/1308760551439433730
There are concern trolling points that we could address about this, but other radical feminists have told us, in what we have every reason to believe is all sincerity, that they’re genuinely afraid of the intentions of groups like the Family Research Council towards LGB people.
So let’s look at what FRC was saying about the transgender issue before, to our knowledge, anyone there had exchanged even an email with a radical feminist. From 2015, this is their report, “Understanding and Responding to the Transgender Movement.”

At that time, in 2015, here’s what they had to say about the types of people who mainly identified as transgender, and two of the main groups they mention are “Males ... usually sexually attracted to men,” and “Females ... usually sexually attracted to women.”
Here’s what the 2015 FRC report goes says about gender dysphoria and trans-identification in children, “cross-gender behavior generally resolves itself in either self-identification as homosexual or heterosexual. Roughly 75 percent will later self-identify as gay or lesbian.”
So as of 2015, one of the most conservative of mainstream conservative Christian political organizations, a group that’s been put on the SPLC’s hate group list for their views on same-sex attraction, *already knew that most kids likely to identify as trans were probably LGB.*
Here’s the conclusion of their report, co-authored by Peter Sprigg, who’s written very negatively about same-sex attraction: “There is no rational or compassionate reason to affirm a distorted psychological self-concept that one’s ‘gender identity’ is different from one’s...sex.”
We have very many points of political and philosophical disagreement with Peter Sprigg and the FRC. To put it mildly, and, in consideration of the medium, briefly.

But they cared about the health of these kids, and wished them no harm, from years ago.
That is far better than we have come to expect from the Human Rights Campaign or the ACLU.

Both of those organizations promote the sterilization of LGB and autistic children through “affirmation.” They’ve threatened to sue, or to agitate boycotts against whole states, to do so.
Here’s what the US left is offering LGB people:

We’ll clap for the marriage rights the courts gave you, we’ll get you employment & housing nondiscrimination, but there’s a catch. We’re going to wreck women’s sex-based rights, and we’re neutering the kids.

This is a bad deal.
By contrast, we are told that conservative Christians all believe in sex stereotypes just as much as the gender activists. Do they though?

Here’s FRC’s, “A Parent’s Guide to the Transgender Movement in Education,” by Peter Sprigg, from 2016.

“We need not hold to some stereotypes in terms of the adult occupations that boys and girls can aspire to—girls can grow up to be astronauts or truck drivers, and boys can grow up to be nurses or ballet dancers.“ - Peter Sprigg, FRC, 2016
Also in 2016, the SPLC, our self-appointed national judge and jury of who’s hateful, was advocating that troubled, trans-identified youth be sterilized within the juvenile justice system. They even promoted a model policy on the subject.
Using the usual threats of legal liability, maybe because the SPLC themselves might sue, they advised youth corrections professionals that they should offer, “physical interventions [that] can include puberty suppression, hormone therapy, or surgery,” for dysphoric youth.
In 2016, when the FRC held that LGB kids didn’t have to conform to sex stereotypes, and didn’t need this nonconformity medicalized, the SPLC said, of LGB minors in juvenile detention, “Treatment for gender dysphoria shall not be withheld for the purpose of preserving fertility.”
Surely, it seems mad for a group of feminists, many of us lesbian or bisexual, to side with the Family Research Council over the SPLC or the ACLU on any topic.

But FRC wants to preserve female-only sports, and they don’t want the next generation of LGB kids sterilized.
Who is it that hates us, again? Who is it that hates the kids like us, that next generation of nonconforming, autistic, quirky, unsettled, or LGB kids, and hates them so much that they want to harm their healthy bodies?

How can one conclude that it isn’t the SPLC and ACLU?
There are a lot of topics and associations, many rightly freighted and painful memories, that many LGB people, many feminists, have, from the last several decades of culture wars, that make this subject hard to bear for some of us. But it must be addressed head on.
The organizations that we have previously trusted to have our backs have egregiously betrayed us. They have betrayed their responsibilities to protect children, to protect women’s basic rights, and to protect the right to speak the truth within their own movement spaces.
However we think of our own political alignments, the institutions that hold the territory marked ‘left,’ here, the people who lead the fights many of us feminists came into politics from, no longer represent many principles they claimed even a decade ago.
So we don’t have many friends on the left anymore, and the ones we still can claim will none of them thank us to mention them.

But we’re still committed to protecting women’s sex-based rights, and the well-being of children. We would encourage anyone to share that goal with us.
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