I really need pākehā & abled allies to understand that when we call out oppression - like white supremacy and ableism - these things operate as systems.

We’re not saying that you are horrible people, we’re asking you to recognise the oppressive systems you are upholding.
I’m not saying that you are a D*nald Tr*mp or that you’re actively trying to harm our communities. I’m not even saying that you’re not trying to do good.

I’m saying that we need to think deeper into how these systems are upheld and replicated.
The reason these systems have been so successful at oppressing our communities for so long is precisely BECAUSE they are upheld and reproduced by people who don’t realise they are doing it, and by people who truly believe they are doing good and try to do good.
That’s myself included. Coming to the understanding that I uphold white supremacy on a daily basis was life changing for me. I was angry. I thought it was unfair. I rejected it a bit and thought others were too radical or intense.
Even though I dedicate the majority of my waking hours to anti-racism and anti-ableist work, I know that I still engage in behaviours, practices, thinking that upholds white supremacy and upholds ableism. It’s pretty hard not to when this is normalised in our society.
But that is something that is my responsibility to reckon with, take time to process, and commit to continuously educating myself to do better. And it’s my responsibility to reckon with this without putting the burden of labour on other marginalised folks.
Recognising that we are complicit in these systems even when we are trying our damn best is a gut wrenching feeling. I am not denying that nor denying that you are trying. What I *am* saying, is that you need to reckon with this without putting the labour on our communities.
Of all the hours of free labour I give, the majority should go to my own community. That should be spent on my whenua, supporting my people. Handholding pākehā through the difficult emotions of recognising white supremacy is far down the list of things that should get my time.
That’s something I learnt from a great series of tweets that really opened my mind, by @tinangata.
When we say we’re done handholding you through this, it’s not because we’re shitty people or we don’t want a resolution.

It’s because each time I say YES to coaching “allies” through this, I’m saying NO to my own people.

And what is that if not furthering white supremacy?
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