I've said it privately, I've tweeted it some, but I'm going to lay it out bluntly. Please listen.

Too many insiders continue to categorize certain states as "tipping point" states as if we're in a normal political environment.

But we're not in a normal moment...

1/ Trump reminded us again tonight.

The new reality is that Trump will seize any close and dragged out election result to deny an election loss. To challenge it all the way to the Supreme Court.

And the result of such an effort by Trump, Barr & their lackeys...

....should scare every last American who cares about this nation's future.

But still, too many continue to approach this election as if success is winning the "tipping point" states that lock in a close victory.

But of course achieving this goal simply means...

...we are aiming no higher than a constitutional crisis.

We need to aim higher. We need to change the goal.

The new "tipping point" must be winning those states that make it clear, as early on as possible, that Donald Trump lost. That he got his ass kicked. That it's over.

Let me offer Ohio as an example.

A new poll today showed that Biden is up .5 in Ohio.

Remarkable, given how much time and money Trump has spent here.

But here is what's even more important:

As Karl Rove showed in 2012, a blue Ohio makes clear as can be that the election is over

Absentee ballots in Ohio are counted first, not last. They're announced first

The Sec of State in Ohio is a Republican. So is the Gov.

Both have said that vote by mail here is secure, and not susceptible to fraud.

So Trump can't claim the "Dems rigged it."

And ballot applications are sent out to voters, not the ballots themselves, unless requested. So Trump can't complaint there either.

Bottom line: the results in Ohio will be clear earlier than many states. Trump will have a hard time claiming that the results here are not legitimate. And a blue Ohio will be clear as day that Trump will not be reelected.

Now THAT sounds like a tipping point.

There are other similar states. North Carolina. Florida. Etc.

Iowa, Georgia and Texas are tight as well.

Bottom line, we have to go bigger. And especially with Trump on the ropes with $ (he just pulled his TV buy from Ohio to combat Bloomberg's $100M in Florida)...

those who have the resources to help states like these become blue, should consider doing so as quickly as possible

To say it differently, Trump's comments about ignoring the outcome of an election assumes it's a close election

It assumes a long, drawn-out counting process

In addition to fighting to protect every vote, the best way to combat his plan is to end it before it starts.

Win the "tipping point" states, like Ohio, that will make it clear as early as possible that it's done.

His presidency. And any drama he has planned.

So go out and help states like Ohio take margin-of-error situations and turn them into victories.

And with just a few victories in these new "tipping point" states, it's over.

Please give what you can, then volunteer all you can.

You can follow @DavidPepper.
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