Rig ved 1.31.14

Here Agnidev is the Purohit of the devtas. He is requested to destroy our ignorance and darkness. He is also requested to enlighten us with our Sthool and Sukshma self that Aatma and Parmatma are one.

He is also requested to enlighten us in our dreams and sleep by waking our inner light. He is requested to guide us on right path and make us wealthy with providing us Fame, Family, Worldly happiness.

This body is made for a purpose and it consists of Panchmahabhoot. Agnidev is one of its component.

त्वम॑ग्न उरु॒शंसा॑य वा॒घते॑ स्पा॒र्हं यद्रेक्णः॑ पर॒मं व॒नोषि॒ तत् ।
आ॒ध्रस्य॑ चि॒त्प्रम॑तिरुच्यसे पि॒ता प्र पाकं॒ शास्सि॒ प्र दिशो॑ वि॒दुष्ट॑रः ॥

Translation :

अग्ने - Agnidev!

त्वम् - You.

उरूशंसाय - Praised by many.

वाघते - For the Priests.

यत् - So.

स्पार्हम - Coveted or preferable.

परमम् - Best.

रेक्णः - Wealth.

तत् - That.

वनोषि - To desire.

आध्रस्य चित्त - Desire to bring up.

प्रमतिः - Intelligent.

पिता - Parent.

उच्यसे - To make one say.

विदुष्टर - Unintelligent.

पाकम् - Child-like.

प्र शास्सि - In front.

दिशः - Directions.

Explanation : This mantra is addressed to Agnidev . It says that the Priests who are chanting strotras should be provided with Wealth.

Agnidev is like a parent nurturing his weak child. He provides Knowledge to Unintelligent because he is very intelligent.

Deep meaning:- Here Agnidev is the Punohit of the devtas. He is requested to destroy our ignorance and darkness.

He is also requested to enlighten us with our Sthool & Sukshma self that Aatma and Parmatma are one. He is also requested to enlighten us in our dreams and sleep by waking our inner light. He is requested to guide us on right path and make us wealthy with providing us Fame,

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