Thoughts are things. Emotions are energy. We have a psychic environment, atmosphere, and weather system as much as terrestrial ones, and the psychic can become polluted as much as the physical. 1/
I give a lot of thought to the psychic environment around us as we continually generate fear, anger, outrage, grief, and depression without break. Be assured I’m not blaming those who are feeling that way. It’s a completely justified response to the condition of the world 2/
right now. I think of the strain placed upon those etheric systems, the invisible creature and all of nature sensitive to our interactions, and how these pollutions manifest in visible and invisible ways all around us. 3/
If so called, take a candle and light it with the intention of purifying. Call upon your own four quarter guardians. Envision yourself in a sphere of light burning away these psychic human-made pollutants. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, 4/
expand it outward a few feet, or as far as you can without losing the integrity of the sphere. Maybe you’ll reach across your neighborhood or even half your town or city. Do it three times inhaling and exhaling. Burn off a bit of what we are creating. 5/
Thank and release you guardians.

Repeat when you can but don’t exhaust yourself. Get into a gratitude practice, even for the little things. I know it’s hard. Generate some hope and thanks in the ethers. Laugh between the hard moments. Enjoy the taste of food. 6/
Appreciate social media for the great connections it can give you despite the tragedy.

And this isn’t a substitute for voting, protesting, and checking in on people. Follow up all magick with real world action.

You can follow @penczak.
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