Things are going to get infinitely worse. So a few things to think, and consider.
1. Slow everything down. Urgency is not the same as instant reaction. Urgent actions can and must be deliberate. Analyze and assess your immediate reality honestly.
2. Every decision takes away your time and resources. Decide what you will not do. This includes saying no more often than you like.
3. Pick your battles. Seriously !
4. Strategy and Tactics are not one and the same. You don’t and won’t have all the answers all the time. But that’s ok, as long as you are willing to learn. It’s also ok as long as you recognize what is not possible now. That doesn’t meant you stop demanding it.
5. Don’t let your allies paralyze you. If they paralyze you, they are not allies. Just move on, if possible politely.
6. Decentralize, create multiple nodes and forms of knowledge. Don’t horde time, people, knowledge or resources. ’Sole spokes person’ is how they break us. Create structural conditions that enable the emergence of multiple leaders.
7. And this 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
8.: “We're going to have to fight to win. People can never be so repressed that they can't strike back in some way.” — George L. Jackson
9. We might not win today, tomorrow or even the day after. That is not defeatism, but a recognition of how much work is ahead. So organize and build around the everyday needs of people.
10. Don’t argue with people who ask if fascism is here.
Don’t debate whether some rights or sacrifices are needed for ‘Development’.
But always refuse to concede or compromise to fascist ideas and spineless bigot who seek shelter in neutrality or ignorance.
11. Lose faith in the system, fight, and dismantle it. But never in people. Suppose we lose faith in our shared humanity that is harder to recover from. Be safe.
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