Message to multidimensional thinkers:

As someone who is able to perceive a more expanded vision of reality than most of humanity at the current time, we must recognize that the way in which we share information is as important as the truthful alignment of the information itself.
Throughout history in the mystery traditions, information was typically restricted until certain levels were attained in order to prevent the misinterpretation and potential harm to the students and adepts—the inverted presentation of this being the 33 levels of Freemasonry.
As we grow in awareness, we become able to see or perceive perspectives that were previously unimaginable to us. This often happens in a way that is completely different than “how you thought it would look”. This is because your mind had absolutely zero frame of reference for it.
So when a fully aligned, expanded perspective is presented to one who does not hold the proper frame of reference to understand it in its fullness, there is inevitably a distortion that occurs. The mind can only use the tools that it is equipped with to decode the information.
In general, this is fairly harmless and often serves to further hone the discernment of the consciousness. However there may be times where a misunderstanding due to the projection of current beliefs becomes detrimental to the expansion of awareness or even dangerous.
Let’s use the following statement as an example:

“Those who are headed to 5D will become separated from loved ones and pets.”

Heard it before? Yeah, we all have. The problem lies in the fact that the primary operating mode of the 3D is linear and spatial.
So, while that statement does hold alignment with truth, to the 3D focused mind, it will be perceived as a PHYSICAL separation. Now I would never discount the POSSIBILITY of this occurring, but I can also say, without a doubt, that this has already occurred in my own experience.
When viewed from a higher perspective, this separation does not appear to be physical, but more so intellectual and spiritual. You will no longer resonate with the same ideals, the same interests and activities, but you may remain in physical proximity.
I think it goes without saying that your pet will not be joining you in the 5D—unless there is some kind of outside influence that propels their consciousness into one that is fully activated and aware, but I’m not seeing that. That being said, you can still “take them with you.”
So the purpose of this thread is not to discourage those who have developed the ability to think multidimensionally from sharing truthful, aligned information. In fact, this information can be found EVERYWHERE and is needed more than ever.
I simply wish to encourage people to access their full multidimensionality in order to perceive how that information could be interpreted by someone holding a more limited consciousness. It sure would clear up a lot of confusion and fast track us to the world we envision. 🌎✨
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