Friends, the closer we get to the election, the more crazy shit the old man is going to say, okay? When they put a camera in his face? He’s going to say crazy shit. Like, Nixon’s Mad Man Theory, Election Version.
Our job is to ignore the crazy and keep doing the thing. Skip the long ass social media threads full of what-if's and if only's and encourage your friends to do the same. This is a waste of your time! You have things to do! You have democracy to save!
Ignore the crazy, quit doomscrolling, and keep donating, phone-banking, canvassing, voting. Keep convincing all your friends to do these things right along with you.
And you don't have to do politics! In fact, supporting local organizations doing good in your community is an awesome way to strengthen civil society (studies have shown, etc) That means your Foodbank, afterschool program, mutual aid fund-- all these things help!
Anyway, I'm gona scrape the wax off some surfboards now. Seems like maybe we gotta try our best to do some good. Idk, it's better than the alternative, you know?
You can follow @iamjensee.
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