Dear #BlackLivesMatter police shooting of blacks extremely RARE but Every election cycle the Democrat Party & their Media convince black people “racist cops” is the #1 issue they face to cover up the havoc their policies have wreaked. It’s not
#Amerikkka it’s #DemoKKKrats
In 2019 police had 375 million encounters with the American people. 28 of out of 375 million ended in the death of an unarmed person black & white usually due to resisting arrest

This is what the Democrats & their media have people having a collective meltdown over? #Amerikkka
Meanwhile the Democrat party has black kids trapped in their failing public schools where they are graduating kids who can’t read or do math setting up for failure in life only to then blame racism. The democrat party is an evil force in the black community
School choice would solve this issue in 2 seconds but the Democrats are fighting tooth & nail to keep black kids in these failing schools
Obama got rid of charter schools in DC trapping millions of black kids in the school to prison pipeline.. but #BlackLivesMatter to Dems right?
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