A truly remarkable and Unique, hero worth emulating was credibly brought to life by @Shaheer_S - #Abir of #YehRishteyHainPyaarKe
Personification of: Reverence, Respect, Righteous
Driving imp. concepts that
-love and respect is Earned
-Equality presumptive+
Teaching young women what to expect from a life partner, teaching men, what matters and being vulnerable and tears are not diminishing
#YehRishteyHainPyaarKe deserves to stay and mainstream vulnerable heros with strong values
A unique Heroine with conviction, a strong will to be exactly herself, no matter the peer pressure ( from sister), Righteous and unafraid to hold people accountable was brought to life by @rhea_shrm
#YehRishteyHainPyaarKe deserves to continue being a beacon
I understand that all endeavors are business propositions... however social messaging can be an important objective for media companies and content creators. @StarPlus here is an opportunity to set better trends, inspire better values #YehRishteyHainPyaarKe
You can follow @dozenthumbs.
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