please please please just refer to someone as they/them if u don’t know their pronouns, or just like idk look at their profile or just ask?? i’m honestly getting a bit tired of people referring to me as she/her without even asking abt my pronouns or anything.
also, enbies don’t owe anyone androgyny. fuck off and stop telling us we ‘don’t look nb (enough)’ stfu. some enbies want to look androgynous, some don’t and it’s none of ur business. also stop trying to figure out what’s in our pants, it’s weird and gross.
also, to my older moots, i’m not trying to come for u or anything, but no, i didn’t just change my dn/get bored of it, pls stop assuming that and using my dead name. it fucking hurts. a lot. i don’t mind if u ask abt it, i really don’t, but don’t just assume things ffs.
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