Let’s talk about the fact that most of y’all “don’t want daughters” because you’re not equipped to handle the responsibility of teaching her that she isn’t property and can freely exist on her own terms. Y’all rather have sons and spoil them.
Men don’t want daughters cause they don’t want to be confronted with the fact that they know they aren’t shit and are scared of their daughters encountering similar men .

Women don’t want them because they don’t want to address the role they play in upholding toxic masculinity
Everyone thinks it’s easier to raise boys because “tHeY dOnT hAvE tO wOrRy aBoUt tHeM” when in reality the way boys are raised primarily determines how our society will change in the future. There’s more work to be done raising sons.
But instead y’all want sons so you can dress them like the men who you wish you had in your life, so you can coddle their egos while the girls in their generation suffer for it.
A lot of women want sons to replace the male figure they didn’t have in their lives. They think that having a boy will fill that void of feeling like they aren’t good enough for their dad, baby daddy, etc.
A lot of men want sons because they don’t believe they need to do much in terms of personal growth or reflection. They view having sons like having a dog. You just train it and keep it alive. They don’t want daughters because that forces them to confront their inadequacies.
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