tw // homophobia, death, bullying

This is a thread on homophobia in Malaysia and how the lgbtq+ community are mistreated there
DISCLAIMER: I myself am not from Malaysia, I'm making this thread from what I have been told and in order to protect their identity, they will remain anonymous.

Anyone from malaysia that would like to add on, dm me and I'll add it to the thread.
1. Let's start with the fact that you cannot speak up on the mistreatment of the community without fear of being arrested by the government.
2. If you are a student and you get caught as part of lgbtq+, you are immediately expelled and sent to concentration camps.
3. The government supports bullying members of lgbtq+.
4. If you are caught in public, you will be arrested for 20 years, caned, or even executed.
5. People will shame you and make you unwelcome wherever you go in the country, there is no safe place for the community to stay.
The bottom line is, the lgbtq+ community has essentially no rights in Malaysia and must stay hidden for fear of imprisonment or death.
Again, I am not Malaysian and have been told all of this anonymously. If there is something you would like to add or if you feel I said something wrong, please dm me.
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