Since it's now public knowledge, I can say some things I've not been able to say before: the amount of $ spent on Snyder's JL isn't a reflection of his original cut being as incomplete as folks used to claim. It's b/c new footage is being shot beyond just finishing his cut.
The original "Snyder Cut" we talked a/b for the past year-plus was more than 90+% complete, & did NOT need tens of millions to get THAT cut into shape. The higher dollar amount is b/c the work on the film includes reediting it into individual episodes + NEW footage.
For example, there are certain DC characters originally intended to be in JL, but those scenes weren't filmed & it was dropped at the time. Now, however, those things can be added in, as well as other scenes, & it all needs different editing into episodes w/the right pacing.
So no, the original "it'll take tens of millions of $ to finish Snyder Cut" claims were NOT proven true by the budgeting for ZSJL. The reason some press have claimed "we were right all along" is b/c some WB folks were (falsely) telling the press no new scenes would be shot.
Those WB folks may have legitimately thought that was true, by the way, b/c it appears a lot of folks at the studio are still not always sure a/b what's up -- partly b/c things are changing & in flux a lot so a lot of folks aren't "in the loop" on everything.
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