Learn how to use Twitter (web) as efficiently as possible.

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A few of you have DM'ed me and asked how can I be so fast engaging with everyone.

Today I've decided to share my technique.

If you find it useful, feel free to share it. Because...

Sharing is caring!

Let's start with the basics:

- This technique ONLY works on web, on mobile you won't be as fast nor efficient.
- Speed does not go along with quality. Being efficient doesn't mean to do everything fast.
- What REALLY matters is the quality of your content (i.e replies).

Did you know that Twitter has keyboard shortcuts?

Just press "?" to see them.

From now on the two post important keys are "R" (reply) and "L" (like).

Simple, right?

Let's take these shortcuts to the next level.

If you know how to use Twitter shortcuts, the rest is quite simple...

Choose the Twitter accounts that you want to engage the most with and create a private list with them.

Don't know how to create a Twitter List?

Just click on the List button (below bookmarks).

You will need to go profile by profile and add them to your new created list.

In order to do so:

- Go to your Twitter target accounts, click on the 3 dots and choose "Add/remove from List"
- Make sure that your list is PRIVATE (or the added accounts will be notified).

Now that you have all your Twitter target accounts on this list the process is quite simple:

- Visit the list at least once a day, click on every Tweet while pressing CMD (CTRL on Win).
- This will open every Tweet on a seperate tab.

- On any given Tweet just press "R" to give a like --> "L" to reply --> CMD (CTRL) + W to close the tab, the next Tweet from the list will be in front of you right away.
- Go Tweet by Tweet and engage where you see fit.

A few recommendations:

- There is a thin line between being efficient and being spammy, do NOT cross it.
- Do not engage with every single tweet from your list.
- Do not give too many likes at once. You will get a Twitter ban.
- Use this technique in short bursts.

And the most important one:

- Provide value in your replies.

Replies like "Good", "Thanks for sharing", "👍" or similar are a waste of time (and your intellect).

Your followers and your timeline deserve better.

(☞∀)☞ Now go and engage with everyone!
You can follow @MrPotatoMoney.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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