Such a system must be condemned in Christian terms in the strongest possible way. It must be condemned under any system that purports to be just. It must be condemned because it is not "balanced scales".
It is to be condemned for it privileges the strong (armed state agents) over the weak (innocent sleeping citizen). It is to be condemned for it distorts the very meaning of the word "justice."
The words "a good shot" should never be uttered by anyone who claims Christ, for every taking of a life is an assault against the image of God. Even when such taking might possibly be necessary (it was not), it is never "good".
It should be condemned by a conservatism that favours the restriction of rights of the state over against the liberty of the citizen. It is to be condemned by a liberalism that values due process.
It is to be condemned not as "anti-black" for that permits non-blacks to wash their hands & aver their eyes. It is to be condemned rather as anti-human, for it is an assault against the dignity of all Men.
And so I do condemn it, & I indict the system that with long faces & paperwork & administrative procedure crushes the weak under the bootheel of the strong even whilst waving the flag of liberty and justice for all.
A woman is dead who should be alive & she is dead at the hands of those who act in our name, for the agents of the state are our representatives. Their infamy stains us all.
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