Facebook to reject election ads that prematurely declare a winner https://politi.co/32TQvtQ  via @politico > this is significant. There’s going to be a record number of postal votes cast in #Election2020 . Many will be counted late and a big majority are likely to vote Biden...
...which means on election night Trump could hold a lead, possibly a clear one. In that scenario, he’ll get out as quickly as he can to declare victory...which means by the time the postal votes are counted, he’ll be able to claim a rigged system has cost him the election...
...and that’s when it starts to get really messy with district, state (circuit) and potentially the Supreme Court getting involved to declare a winner. And guess what Trump’s been most busy with since 2016? That’s right, stacking the courts at all levels with conservative judges.
Biden needs a big, clear win in order to ensure he’s elected. If it’s a squeaker, Trump probably gets back in thanks to the courts. For what it’s worth, I still think Biden will win big in which case I’ve just wasted two minutes of my life typing this thread. #VoteBidenHarris2020
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