So here’s the take. It’s based on the whole encouraging minors to fuck thing, so be warned I guess. It is very mucho texto but please, I worked a good amount on this just to clarify my views cause clearly some people weren’t listening to my general sentiment before. ⬇️
I personally find it really weird how we’re perfectly fine and even find it wholesome when minors (to clarify I mean anywhere from 13 to even 16 here) date each other, and I’m sure plenty of us would encourage and be happy for them too, yet we don’t share the same sentiment /1
for minors fucking each other? (Yes Ik that this isn’t constant, but people generally seem to be more for them dating than they are for them fucking). Like, they can fuck up a lot and cause a good amount emotional damage and for longer in a long term relationship, just like /2
they could during a hook up. Even the possible misunderstandings of consent and good dynamics would still be there in a romantic relationship. In my view, children don’t need to be “protected” from sex any more than they need to be protected from romantic relationships since /3
both risk minor and major emotional damage due to inexperience (inexperience that also won’t be cured by abstinence, but instead experience and education). It seems as if this difference in treatment is based on how we see sex as this disgusting thing that must be made good by /4
some arbitrary set of circumstances, and instead view romance as this virtue that is above sex, or even as the purifier of sex. And when you view minors as something that is to be “protected” (owned and ruled over) by adults from the “bad” things, it makes sense that you’d /5
want them to participate in the more “pure” (but actually also really dangerous) activities. I must admit tho, that sex is in one way more dangerous: society represses it. People, especially younger people, are made to feel ashamed for it, it’s something that they must keep /6
secret, it’s dirty, it’s bad. From my own personal experience I know the harm that repressed people can cause others due to their repression. It’s also what keeps minors uneducated. “Sex ed will turn them into sluts!” Minors see all sorts of portrayals of romance on TV, in /7
books, in real life, but are often (outside of abuse) “protected” from portrayals of sex, portrayals that could, if done properly, inform them early on of what is good or bad in that regard. Of course, one could argue that the ignorance caused by this is why it’s too risky to /8
encourage minors to fuck if they want to, but normalization comes first. It’s worth it if you want to go against innocence (the ignorance that justifies and allows children to be ruled over, the same ignorance that makes them vulnerable to abuse by adults). This is why, in my /9
view, if you are against ageism you should be okay with minors fucking and in fact I think it should be viewed as a good thing and be encouraged under that lens. Telling them that it’s too irresponsible, that the sex alone will somehow be traumatizing, or that other minors /10
just don’t understand consent or dynamics enough while not even discussing making more available resources for them does nothing but create fear and more repression. Encouraging it and creating resources around it, however, frees them not only form the prudish narratives /12
forced upon all of us but from the oppressive innocence said narratives glorify. And while I never gave resources when I encouraged 11 year olds to suck dick if they want to, I did recommend that they find people who are good, healthy for them, and are around their age to do /13
it with. If they want to know what that looks like, if they want to know how to determine that, I am not the person to go to, but they will be motivated to look into that as long as they know that it’s okay for them to do under safe and healthy conditions. /14
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