believe me or don’t, but i don’t steal peoples art. i am so sick and fucking tired of people accusing me of things i don’t do. yesterday for example, for my lowkey as hell piece, someone thought i stole their concept. until then, i had never seen their account or art before.
sometimes people come up with the same ideas. i can tell you my exact thought process for that one actually, after school i saw the original photo and decided to draw something for it. after sitting for a while, i thought “oh, i’ll incorporate some scissors somewhere into +
+ it, because awsten cut off all his hair.” so i did, and i chose the monochromatic red palette because of his jacket, adding the brown to emphasize the hair. as for past pieces, idk what people thought i stole or where, but i didn’t. people have similar ideas sometimes,
it rlly just happens. everyone in this fandom is so talented, so great minds think alike. i’m sorry if any of my art comes off as that but i truly have a checklist of art i’m thinking of before i put it on my tablet or phone. please don’t jump to conclusions it hurts to
go through this almost every single time i make parx art. also, maybe dm me about it, i will listen. i will be open, and speak my entire truth. this is my truth
adding onto this, idk if y’all remember that one animation that i heavily referenced some tumblr eyes on, i did that bc it was for a class assignment and didn’t think much of it bc i originally wasn’t gonna post it, but i’ve since taken it down to prevent further problems
anyways, this shit gives me so much anxiety and genuinely makes me want to stop pursuing art. if you have a problem please fucking dm me, if u hate me whatever but don’t give me panic attacks for nothing
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