Black women. The real pioneers for these fashion trends influencers like jennie fail to mention: a thread!
1) The hairpins and clips - excessive use of hair accessories, a 90s classic started AND brought back by black women (and for the black girls who needed those pins as a kid lmfao)
not these being before bp's debut LMFAOOO. anyways black women >>>
2) Corsets as belts and tops: everyone say thank you beyonce sunbaenim
3) scarves and bandanas as tops: this ones just ridiculous considering bandanas are hugely engraved in hip hop culture, but again, beyonce since influencers including blackpink study her like an open book. credit when credit is due.
4) half buttoned up cardigans
5) white eyeliner: miss robyn rihanna fenty 2 years ago, another black woman jennie and her instagram friends study like an open book
chanel - 1994, black women on chanel runways with the fashion trends you think your kpop girls popularized before they wrre even born. cute.
rest of this thread will now be centered as her simply being a follower of existing fashion trends, and not a pioneer.
gigi hadid palestinian queen with her convertible pants more than 3 years ago. the media were haters and called them ugly but see how the tables turned lmfao.
In conclusion: it's not just blackpink i'll tell you that, but 98% of the fashion trends you see are from influencers gentrifying 90s and 2000s fashion trends started and brought bck by black women. your faves arent fashion pioneers, theyre simply followers who cant give credit.
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