@PWCSNews This is a slide from my 7th grade daughter's English class this morning regarding books they should read.

Why is the school board allowing homosexuality to be pushed onto 7th graders?? Who got to decide that my daughter must be exposed to this?
But wait, there's more. @PWCSNews has other books centered on gay kids.

First, there's Clap When You Land who one goodreads reviewer described as "sapphic". FOR 7TH GRADERS!!!

Taken from a PowerPoint given to my daughter!
House Arrest by @karianneholt is also on this list. She's a lesbian (she/her) who retweeted someone saying that if they weren't terrified due to RBG's death, that's called privilege.

Are 7th graders being forced to read its author thinks correctly? @PWCSNews
Or what about "The Marrow Theives"? A book with, according to a Goodreads review, SEXUAL VIOLENCE. FOR 7TH GRADERS!!!!!

So far, I've only focused on the sexual stuff, but many of these books also appear to be pushing Critical Race Theory.

I am sure @PWCSNews knows this.
Check out these eight books, part of the same PowerPoint sent to my daughter. Some of them include BOTH LGBT and Critical Race Theory subject matter!

Why is @PWCSNews forcing my 7th grade daughter to read these leftist books?

@michellemalkin @ConceptualJames @Cernovich
Dear Martin is about a black kid who was shot by a white police officer.

Will @PWCSNews schools be forcing my 7th Grade daughter to watch @TheTrayvonHoax ? My guess is no.
The Poet X is about a teenage girl from Harlem who has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking. Her Mami wants her to go to church, which is definitely wrong.

A goodreads reviewer gives this a content warning for sexism, slut-shaming, homophobia, @PWCSNews.
The Skin I'm In by Sharon G. Flake is also on the list, @PWCSNews. Did you know Ms. Flake's work is being pushed by the @ADL? Why is the ADL pushing any books in schools? When did that become their purview?

Per a goodreads reviewer, three white boys try to rape the protagonist.
Then there's You Should See Me In A Crown, which has a black female POC protagonist in a lesbian relationship.

Goodreads lists this as LGBT and GLBT>Queer genres.


Look at the reviews.
I'm not even halfway done!

I will keep updating this thread!

@PWCSNews are teaching homosexuality and critical race theory in our schools! To my 7th grade girl!

@realDonaldTrump must defund public schools that do this!

@TuckerCarlson - I have the powerpoint!
So there are actually 40 books to choose from, not 24. I will not have time to go through all 40. I will be updating this thread with the most egregious examples shortly.

I still haven't heard from @PWCSNews. Weird.
Hey @PWCSNews: Because of this thread, I'm hearing word of a 3rd grade teacher who was recently suspended for refusing to read a passage about a transgendered person to her class.

Can you please confirm or deny this?

@TuckerCarlson @AnnCoulter @MattWalshBlog @michellemalkin
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