A big thing missing from this discussion about animating boards or not is the treatment of overseas studios. Boards are often animated so that there would be less retakes. However, there would be less retakes if overseas animators had more pay, time and better quality of life.
Animation overall suffers from short schedules and low budgets. Schedules have not improved since animation was done on paper and pencil since the misconception that technology streamlines the production pipeline.
Overseas studios get everything at the end and it's a race against the clock to get the work in on time. They're also starting at a disadvantage because a way to sell an overseas studio to a major studio is to underbid and say they can get the work done in a short time frame.
At some point, the industry has to realize that this kind of sweatshop-esque condition that overseas animators work under can be improved by advocating on their and our behalf that more money and longer schedules will benefit us all.
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