1/ Things You Should Question & Research, Because You Were Taught By Other Humans Just Like Yourself💡🧐 đŸ€Ż
[Long Thread]
2/ - What is your divine purpose here on this planet? What is Spiritual Energy? What is the difference between 3D Consciousness and 5D Consciousness?
3/ - Why have we had Constant Wars for decades until recently? Do rich criminals in power infiltrate other countries with the CIA to start needless wars, like with Iraq and Afghanistan? Are we killing each other for a Rich man's game of greed and control?
4/ It isn't the People that declare needless wars, it is the governments that do. We want to live our lives, be prosperous and free, have community and family, and not have to worry about the Constant negativity plaguing the television screens that divide us all.
5/ Plenty of good Christians, Muslims, Jews, Chinese, Africans, White, Men, Women, and so on. You're a human born into the same reality with a soul just like they are.
6/ - Why do you think the Rich elites created different religions, cultures, languages, and so on over time while segregating society into various countries across the World?
7/ Was it to teach you differently so you wouldn't connect with say the innocent people in China or Iran to see what they are really experiencing with their government corruption and how we as Humans can work together to break down the Walls of corruption that control us all?
8/ - Why did the Titanic actually sink? What did the sinking of the Titanic have to do with the Federal Reserve Banking system we use today with our Paper Money?
9/ - Why did they take us off the Gold Standard and put us on the Federal Reserve Central Bank system? Why is the Federal Reserve a Private Bank operated by Rich that controls the world's money supply and its value?
10/ Why did they switch us from Money backed by Precious Metals that have only a Limited supply on Earth to a system that the Rich controls the value and can print unlimited amounts of money?
11/ - Why was World War II started and was Pearl Harbor an Inside Job? Why did FDR serve 4 Terms? What kind of Corruption happened during his 4 Terms? Did FDR infiltrate all aspects of our society with Nazi Scientists after World War II? Operation Paperclip?
12/ - Why has Human Trafficking not been a big topic of discussion until the recent Presidency? Why are children being rescued and arrests for trafficking are being made daily?
13/ - Why have the Simpsons been able to predict certain events that happen in the future? Does Time Travel exist? Was it all just planned out by the Rich Elites?
14/ - Are you truly happy working 60 hours a week, sleeping 60 hours a week, working for someone else when you really want to do something else, and not having enough time to do the things you want to do? Why do the costs of living continue rising while the wages don't increase?
15/ Why do you work 50 years to only be old and gave out, not able to enjoy your life like you truly wanted to? What regrets will you have when you have lived your whole life constantly busy with no real purpose?
16/ - Why are there so many more Homeless people, people with depression, people getting addicted to drugs, and suicides nowadays? Why do these continue to increase? Why do we let our fellow humans go down this road with no real support or solutions?
17/ Are there hidden technologies that can cure mental health and drug addiction problems? Why would the rich elites hide those technologies from us? Is it because they want to keep you controlled, in fear of falling on your feet and ending up on the streets...
18/ ...so you continue living in a fake reality? Because the rich elites make Big Money off trafficking drugs and people being sick in society? Do they do it to create broken homes and violence? Yeah, it is deep..
19/ - Why does Poverty and Hunger exist in the World? Why can't everyone have Homes and Gardens with families and live happily? What is holding Society back from achieving this? Does a poor child in Africa really have the same opportunities as you?
20/ What makes your child more valuable than the one in Africa? Why do they keep Africa in poverty? They have money to go to War, but not to heal the people of the world and bring unity and peace, so why is that?
21/ - If Hollywood can create the Star Wars Universe, can they produce fake news stories today, such as how they landed on the Moon? Did we actually land on the Moon or was that a Hollywood video? Why did Hollywood and the Left always love Trump, but now they extremely hate him?
22/ - If QAnon was fake, why has Trump not said QAnon was fake when asked by the Media, why are candidates running as QAnon supporters, why do things we have stated in the past eventually happen, why are children being rescued, and why are traffickers being arrested daily?
23/ JFK said that there was a plot to enslave every Man, Woman, and Child and before he left his office, he would expose that Plan. JFK as President had government plans and secrets. With that said, we now have Q, a Global Military Intelligence Operation.
24/ Little drops of information we get to relay to the public little by little so the public doesn't freak out and start a civil war know that their whole life was a lie and they were ruled by Kings and Queens that enslaves them and steals their children while they're at it.
25/ - Why do some states allow abortion at birth? What do they actually do with the baby? Why are some states reducing penalties for pedophiles and trying to legalize it?
26/ Why are they trying to using the LGBTQ community to legalize pedophilia? Do you actually think that the Gay Community wanted to be infiltrated by these Satanic criminals?
27/ - Why do 8 Million children a year go missing worldwide and where do they go? By the way, 8 Million is just the official number and I'm sure it's much worse. Are they trafficking babies from abortion clinics and putting these children into slavery?
28/ Do they rape and torture these children for their pleasure on Humanity's watch? Are you okay with that if that were happening in secret? We have Celebrities and Government officials blowing the whistle on this secret Cult. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming, Nothing!
29/ - Why haven't we seen Clouds in the past decade as puffy as they have been recently? Is it because they were spraying Chemicals in the Sky on the population?
30/ Chemtrails, usually when you saw planes spraying a long white streak in the sky... A lot of the sky looks white and blocks the Sun more from our consumption before they stopped spraying.
31/ - Who were the Black Egyptians? Were the Black Egyptians all across the World, even here in America, with Pyramids? How did they live and were they big into using the Power of the Sun and Spiritual Energy? Did they have advanced technologies thousands of years ago?
32/ - Is the Earth really round or is it Flat with a Dome? How would a Rainbow form on a Round Earth versus a Flat Earth with a Dome? What if the Sun is not millions of miles away or whatever the Science teacher told you?
33/ What if the Sun and Moon were both Light sources created by God that you couldn't physically land on? What if there are multiple Suns and Moons? What if there are extraterrestrial lands beyond Antarctica?
34/ Why don't we hear much about Antarctica and it is pretty hush hush with government secrets? Why do planes not have to constantly nose dive when flying? How is Gravity real when a balloon flies because of the density in the air and not the weight of the balloon??
35/ Does Gravity actually hold down the Oceans on a spinning ball? If the Earth was Flat, everything would still be like it is now even without Gravity existing. Think about it.. Crazy right?
36/ -If Gravity is fake, then what kind of Anti-Gravity machines do they have that we dont know about?
37/ Could Electromagnetism create a society to where we won't have to have Cars and Concrete roads everywhere, and instead much more advanced technology? Get to places Much Faster? Look into Maglev Technology.
38/ If Anti-Gravity devices were released to the public, what industries would fail and how would that hurt the Rich man's pockets? Big Oil, Automobiles, Car Parts, Car Maintenance, Tires, and so on.
39/ - Who writes your History and Science Books? Are they good people or evil people? How can you trust them to tell you how the universe works when they are human like you?
40/ Who is ahead of the school system in your area and are their intentions good or bad? Who owns the Colleges we all know and what other organizations do they own?
41/ How do we know without a shadow of a doubt that the History and Science they put in our textbooks are actually true? What if the Government wanted to build a particular narrative and indoctrinate you from a young age with heavy Government involvement in schools?
42/ - Why do they try to stick Vaccines into our body in early childhood? Why are there so many? Can a child's body really handle all that at one time? Did you know Vaccine damage is real? Why does the Flu still exist when there has been a Flu shot for decades?
43/ Why do new diseases continue to come from nowhere? What if the Rich elites are doing this intentionally to make you sick and reliant on pharmaceuticals they produce so they can profit and dumb you down? What is the real agenda behind Vaccines?
44/ If you believe in God, God provided everything you need with things like water, herbs, fruits, veggies, sunlight, being connected with the universe, and so on. Why do Holistic doctors get killed?
45/ Why are there so many fast food joints, but a lack of Healthy joints with a drive-thru?? See how it all connects together?? Rich Elites own the Big Corporations like Fast Food and Big Pharma, Colleges...
46/ ...where Doctors are trained in the medical field, they give Doctors bonuses for vaccinating your child or promoting certain drugs, and so on.
47/ As you can see, It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It. It is time for Humans to make our own Club and retake our world from this Criminal Cabal. There are plenty of other things to question, but this is a good start and I will add to the list.
48/ Question Everything you were taught! Just ponder on life and think open minded. Light Warriors, we are the Q Revolution and Nothing Can Stop What's Coming, Nothing!! For Freedom, Prosperity, Unity, Peace, and Love throughout the World. God Bless, and #WWG1WGA
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