Good thread.

I feel like responsible farming calibrates you for this -- things happen on an annual time scale, sure. But over all, the struggle to build the soil, to nurture trees, to capture carbon, to preserve a breed of sheep -- it is the work of decades & I won't finish it.
The best I can do is carry the burden further down the road, shorten the journey for the people who will come after me.

Justice is like that. We're not gonna finish it tomorrow. But we can lighten the load for the people who come after us.
And, meaningfully, we can create breathing room here and now for Black people who just want to *live* without having to be exemplars of their race, without having to work twice as hard to get half the recognition.
So, yknow, that's what I'll do. Try to improve some soil, raise some sheep and some trees, create some breathing room, throw my weight on the arc of history and bend it a little bit more toward justice.
Someday that oak tree will give shade. Someday Black parents won't have to have the police talk with their children. We do the work now so that someday will happen.
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