if you go out remember also:
-turn off your phone/location. walkie talkies are good
-make sure to write/memorize a bail number
-mix half milk magnesia w half water to rinse eyes of tear gas
-stay hydrated, stay fed https://twitter.com/dumpstercryptid/status/1308839054419599364
if you can't go out and protest, you can be helpful in other places. the front lines are hard and terrifying and not for everyone.

other things you can do:
-donate food and supplies to safe houses
-volunteer help at safe houses (medic, helping with supplies, etc)
-help transport supplies/handing it out to protestors
-help transport folks

if you can't get involved with your community you can donate, help scan police radios, and continue to raise awareness. here's a good thread with more info. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/1300700190991474688?s=19
You can follow @kind7ed.
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