This is going to be lost but the key word here, again, is "Justification" and how that word is reflected, used, and understood under Kentucky Law. A minithread -
Start your review over there looking at the Kentucky Revised Statutes: Chapter 503. There you will learn that if you use force in the service of a public duty, there may be justifications to protect you (
Now typically, a "justification" is a defense available to you at trial... (see stand your ground and Z*mmerman) but in Kentucky they can't even PROSECUTE you to get to the trial. (
Specifically therein it says "(a) person who uses force as permitted in KRS 503.050, 503.055, 503.070, and
503.080 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force..."
This is a relatively new part of these revised statutes. While the justification language has been around since 1975... this particular provision was revised in 2006. #BreonnaTaylor
The people are telling you go vote and you SHOULD. But the presidential race isn't going to change the laws in Kentucky that led us here. That will only happen with the Kentucky General Assembly. They have a nifty webpage on how to change laws:
And I see all the folks firing up the KYAG because he is standing at the podium today. I am not here to save him but you should save your energy if you are fighting against the way the law worked. He is the person working the front desk. The manager's in the back. #BreonnaTaylor
Spend some time perusing who runs the Kentucky General Assembly and relevant committees that could change these laws... Go talk to them. Because those folks are not the KYAG. There was hope for a better outcome but there was never a chance for a different outcome here. #VoteReady
Last thought before I go, your state likely has some version of these laws as well... This is not just a Kentucky issue... or a Southern issue. This is the way the system is designed to work. Focus on that. #VoteReady
One More Thought: Louisville ain't new to this type scandal. Look at this thread I created from 2019 after another police involved incident. Read the budget. Get to the heart of the matter. Always follow the money:
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