So Taemin is the only SM artist who doesn't have a hashflag this year, most of his activities are either organized by himself or his friends, doesn't receive any promotion (I doubt him being on music show is on SM's part), all the promotions to public media are done by Shawols or
Ravi or western journalists (the fact that he has more English interview than Korean). He was harassed by ssf but SM did nothing despite fans' reports. He was put on shows and practice for a project group while being injured & was blamed for that injury that his cb & the project
group activities got overlapped by nonfans, despite before the promo for that group begin they have plenty of time but didn't utilize it. His song got leaked by his own company, he has to go on activities that supposed to be his because that group hasn't even debuted officially
in Korea while he himself is having a comeback. Many people even in Korea don't know he's cb-ed. Even broadcasters and critics feel sorry for him & try to promote him themselves. This is his album that he has been producing for over a year, maybe even from Move because Clockwork
was recorded around that time, so it's been in production for 3 years. And that album is the album that breaks almost every of his own records. Yet he literally received zero promotion, SM pretended he's only a member of the other group, but gives him the most shitty styling and
makeup and photos they can think of, the only time he looks good is when his own stylist participated. The tattoo on his waist may be a spoiler for Act 2 but they gave him revealing clothes right at that part back in Beyond Live, and give the group in general shit songs and goods
I know Taemin has worked hard for both, I know the other group give him *some* exposure, I know he enjoys the members and is too fucking nice to complain. But this isn't even a business standpoint or anything, this is plain favoritism, injustice and mistreatment. Maybe he himself
doesn't even know he would be pushed into this situation when they convinced him to join because back in 2019 when the group first announced everyone could see some problems but SM sure know how to shut them out using empty promises. He was tricked into this situation and yes, he
is an adult, but an adult can't even move a finger when he's bound by contracts and the responsibilities he signed himself to. I can't even find myself to get mad anymore, if anyone doesn't see this is a problem, just moves away and stops using the business excuse to justify SM.
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, I can't even bring myself to type properly now.
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