A long thread on what I have learnt recently on diversity & inclusion on Boards:
⛔️ The very concept of a Board is elitist & exclusive from the offset. Like a giant no entry sign for most people.
😢 I'm sad & cross with myself that my privilege has meant I haven't seen that
😕 Joining a Board when I was 26 was a sign of my privilege but also about the person who gave me a leg up. Thank you @KateBrattFarrar @LeedsWomensAid
💜 Being on a Board shaped the direction of my career & gave me the experience to help to get me the job I do today.
😕 And so whilst I think I'm not too shabby at supporting my team to develop.. I have been rubbish at seeing the massive opportunity to do this at Board level!
🙄 + that our Board role descriptions & person specs were full of stupid businessy, strategy jargon.
😞 So no surprise why very few people apply AND that the demographics of the average charity Board stays the same.
😞 And that people do not think that doing it is for them, or that they will feel welcome, be meaningfully included or listened to.
💜 Which is not to say that I don't greatly value the brilliant people I have on my Board. They are fabulous & we are very lucky to have them.
💜 But we are taking a new approach to Board recruitment, Induction and training.
💪🏼 Because there is SO MUCH amazing talent out there
💜 So many of these people already give so much to their community.
💪🏼 But there is also huge potential! People who just need a bit of a different route, a vote of confidence, a leg up, a genuine open door. And for us to reach out in a different way.
💜It is our duty to find & nurture that talent for our staff teams AND our Boards, & to build the trust. Because trust & confidence does not happen over night.
💜 I'm annoyed with myself that I've not done better so far but I will do better now AND the learning continues!
💜 Thank you to those who are helping me & my organisation learn. You know who you are and I'm very grateful for your patience, insight & expertise.
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