Long Read: The Copenhagen Concealment.

If you are interested in the potential of a iScot in the EU, you'l find this an informative and, I hope, a useful resource. I can promise if you read it, you will be better informed than most UK politicians! https://populistsplaybook.com/blog-2/the-copenhagen-concealment/
This detailed study looks at the positions, paths, promises and problems & links to primary sources from the ScotGovt, Holyrood committees, The European Commission, EU publications & law, as well as secondary sources like quotes from politicians & media.
I analyse the process and different proposals, busting many myths, mistakes and misconceptions. It is a long read, so it has been broken down into these sections that can be individually book-marked and referred to... Here we go!
"What is this report?" It does not claim to be an authoritative source, but to help voters to understand the process and ask the right questions so you can judge for yourself. https://populistsplaybook.com/blog-2/the-copenhagen-concealment#what
"Why is this important to me?" If Brexit has taught us anything, it's that voters should be entitled to make evidence-led informed decisions, but efforts are being made to keep you ignorant. https://populistsplaybook.com/blog-2/the-copenhagen-concealment#why
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