18 U.S. Code § 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) prohibits "conspiring to oppose by force the authority of the U.S. Government." If anyone in the GOP has discussed securing support from the U.S. military for sidestepping valid electors to block a Biden administration, it is Sedition.
PS/ Even a single email from an agent of the GOP to a military liaison floating the possibility of Trump illegally naming electors in a state he has lost in order to overcome the recorded will of the people in a national election would constitute an act in a seditious conspiracy.
PS2/ Based on today's breaking news, GOP officials have come *unimaginably close* to seditious conspiracy. They are now on its doorstep, knocking on the door.

But that's just based on what we know. Facts we don't yet know could establish that Sedition has already been committed.
PS3/ Every news network must run on its "A block" tonight a panel discussing precisely what actions by GOP officials would constitute a "seditious conspiracy" that Barr would either have to begin investigating *immediately* or immediately face impeachment for *not* investigating.
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